Problem Solving Techniques - Houston We Have A Problem

Problem Solving Techniques - Houston We Have A Problem

Problem Solving Techniques - Houston We Have A Problem

Aim: By finding applicable and permanent solutions to the problems faced by the personnel working at different levels in various functions of the company, in their daily working life. is to gain the necessary equipment to enable them to make more accurate and faster decisions.The point to be reached; In addition to teaching the participants systematic approaches and techniques related to problem solving and decision making processes, this approach is adopted throughout the organization and given to employees as a point of view.

“Houston We Have Problem” is a dynamic and exciting exercise that supports team spirit and demonstrates the achievements of cooperation on the road to success and the power of being a team when faced with problems.

Astronaut teams, located at different epicenters on the Moon, are on duty for a space operation that requires a lot of effort and has its own challenges. To build teamwork and a framework for collaborative action, the Houston epicenter decides to raise the bar a little higher.

Our astronaut team in space carries out routine operations and logistics missions.Houston It is expected that the missions requested by the epicenter astronauts will be fulfilled completely before returning to our world..However, limited oxygen and water resources are challenging the crews and all conditions; It makes the goal possible by forcing all teams to work together for ultimate success.

The main areas of study we target in this exercise are:

  • Recognizing and applying help needs and phases of needing help
  • Being able to express the problems clearly and the principle of clarity in goals
  • Continuity in developing problem-solving strategies
  • Developing the skills of staying in touch with everyone, informing and listening carefully during the process
  • Ability to express oneself freely
  • Awareness of staying calm under pressure and crisis management skills.

Who Should Attend

All managers, team leaders and all employees who work as a team. Anyone who wants to improve in team building, problem solving or adapting to teamwork.

Training Content

  • Giriş ve Tanışma,
  • Problem nedir?
  • Problem çözme ve karar alma süreci 
  • Olaylara geniş perspektiften bakmak
  • Konu ile ilgili bilgi toplamak
  • Problemi doğru tanımlamak: amacı, hedefleri, etkileyen ve kısıtlayan faktörleri tanımlamak
  • Verilen bir problemin çözülmesi (örnek olay çalışması)
  • Problemin “basamak yöntemi” ile çözülmesi
  • Analiz, olaylar arasında sebep-sonuç ilişkilerini ortaya çıkarmak
  • Önyargıları yıkmak
  • Alternatifleri çözümleri belirleme - tanımlama ve en uygun alternatifi seçmek
  • Alternatifler arasında fayda analizi yaparak çözüm üretmek
  • Etkin kararlar ve çözümler için mantıksal ve yaratıcı düşünceyi birleştirmek 
  • Farklı problem çözme tekniklerinin kullanılması.

Content can be updated for corporate needs.

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